Summary of Advintive’s presentation
Mr Karim Lakhani (CEO, Advintive) shared with the audience a facet of his company that provides communication solutions in remote and rural areas. Lakhani mentioned differences and diverse challenges between urban and rural areas when it comes to the deployment of wireless connectivity. He provided a comparison between two technologies: LTE and DOCSIS 3.0/3.1. In his presentation, Lakhani described the advantages of UHF (Ultra High Frequency) band in remote areas, and urged countries to repurpose use of this band in such places. So far only regulators in Canada and the United States have repurposed the use of frequencies in the UHF band. Retrieved from
Identifying Development Gaps to Infrastructure Placement and Search for Opportunities
Monday Session 372 16:30 – Targeting SDG Goal 9: Identifying Development Gaps to Infrastructure Placement and Search for Opportunities
Click here to listen to Karim’s presentation (starts at 58:00)
Building the Foundation for an Inclusive Information Society
Thursday Session 330 16:30 – Action Line C2. Information and Communication Infrastructure: Building the Foundation for an Inclusive Information Society.
Click here to Karim’s presentation (starts at 1:13:00)

From left: Karim Lakhani, CEO of Advintive; H.E. Hon. Frank Tumwebaze, Minister of ICT and National Guidance Republic of Uganda; Caroline Leclerc, President and CEO of ROCKWORLD SAS; Andrew B. Otim, Senior Strategy and Business Officer of Uganda Communication Commission

From left: Karim Lakhani, CEO of Advintive; Desire Karyabwite, IP Coordinator of the E-Strategy Unit at the ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT)

From left: Dr. Mai-Huong Nguyen, Director, Technology Policy Regulatory Affairs, Microsoft Corporation; Karim Lakhani, CEO of Advintive

From left: Khalid Khan, Chairman of Central Asia Cellular Forum; Dr. Syed Ismail Shah, Chairman of Pakistan Telecommunication Authority; Caroline Leclerc, President and CEO of ROCKWORLD SAS; Karim Lakhani, CEO of Advintive

From left: Henry Silika, Director of Telecommunications, Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority; Karim Lakhani, CEO of Advintive; Emily Lungu, Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority

From left: Karim Lakhani, CEO of Advintive;
Barr. Abdur-Raheem Adebayo Shittu Hon. Minister of Communications, Federal Republic of Nigeria;
Desire Karyabwite, IP Coordinator of the E-Strategy Unit at the ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT)

From left: Karim Lakhani, CEO of Advintive; Francois Rancy, Director, Radiocommunication Bureau, ITU