The View From Up There Is Wonderful,
but just to get there is quite an achievement, .. and then start the hard work.
When road is slippery
Angie has to hike.
View in Winter Could Be Rewarding.
Secure climb requires good skills, strength, and endurance.
Sometimes a "Little" Tower
is just what’s needed to bring coverage …
An Alternate Route to the Tower
has to be found, when the main road is interrupted by a beaver dam.
Winter Road to Tower
provides challenges.
Nice Winter Job
done by road maintenance crew
Best Spot For the Antenna
has to be found.
Customer Antenna
has to be correctly positioned.
So Remote From Vancouver, Canada
in Ilorin, Nigeria
And at the other side of the world
Korovou, Fiji
Customer Premise Equipment
would not operate properly without antenna alignment.
Extreme Caution
has to be exercised in winter weather conditions.
Tripod Mounted
to place antenna higher than roof.
Yagi Antenna
brings Internet connection to highway sign
Installer Creativity
is involved when placing antenna to best possible location.
Antenna on Teepee?
For pow-wow only.
This is not going to last long.
Wish to watch video stream in the car
54 km from the Base Station
Road was scary to drive, pretty slippery, not graded, another crew did a complete 360 on their way down, wind was blowing and air was freezing, but Angie decided to walk up the hill to fix the disk on the server and save customers from possible outage.
Thank you!!!!!!!!